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Table 1 Summary of potential recruitment interventions provided to participants before interview

From: Trials within trials? Researcher, funder and ethical perspectives on the practicality and acceptability of nesting trials of recruitment methods in existing primary care trials


Unit of Allocation1

Recruitment Stage2

Type of Intervention

Financial incentives to patients and professionals (e.g. payment for recruitment, lottery etc)

Trial, cluster, individual

1, 2, 3, 4


Attachment of additional, dedicated research nurses for sessions in participating centres


2, 3, 4


Showing a DVD of previous trial participants discussing their experiences of being involved in research.

Cluster, individual

1, 2, 3

Attitudes of patients and professionals

Mass media approaches to change attitudes to trials among patients


3, 4

Attitudes of patients

Educational incentives to clinicians. e.g. seminar on trials and research methods

Trial, cluster

1, 2

Attitudes of professionals

Training for clinicians in seeking consent for trials

Trial, cluster


Attitudes of professionals

Option to refer patients to a dedicated research centre or hub

Trial, cluster


Incentives for professionals

Support for investigators on project management and monitoring approaches, with in-built contingency planning


Trial planning

Advice and support for trial recruitment

  1. 1 Unit of allocation for the recruitment intervention: (Trial, Cluster within a trial, Individual patient)
  2. 2 Recruitment stage that intervention is designed to improve:
  3. Trial planning and organization;
  4. Stage 1: Professional consent to participate in trial;
  5. Stage 2: Professional recruitment of patients;
  6. Stage 3: Patient consent to participate in trial;
  7. Stage 4: Retention of patient in trial