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Table 1 Correspondence of characteristics of diagnostic and statistical testing.

From: Effectiveness of strategies to increase the validity of findings from association studies: size vs. replication

Diagnostic test

Statistical test

Presence of disease (D+)

Association (H1 true)

Absence of disease (D-)

No association (H0 true)

Positive result (T+)

Rejecting H0

Negative result (T-)

Retaining H0

Sensitivity = P(T+ | D+)

Power = P(H0 rejected | H1 true) = 1 - β

1 - Specificity = 1 - P(T- | D-) = P(T+ | D-)

Significance level = P(H0 rejected | H0 true) = α

Prevalence of disease = P(D+)

Prior probability of association = P(H1 true) = π

Positive predictive value = PPV

= P(D+ | T+)

True report probability = TRP

= P(H1 true | H0 rejected)

= 1 - P(H0 true | H0 rejected)