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Table 2 Average variance extracted (ρ ve(.)), square root of AVE and factor correlations (ϕ .↔.), by factor.a

From: Revisiting the dimensional structure of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS): empirical evidence for a general factor

Factor 1


ρ ve(f1)


(.52; .61)



(.72; .79)

Factor 2


ρ ve(f2)


(.37; .48)



(.61; .70)

Factor 3


ρ ve(f3)


(.61; .69)



(.78; .83)

Factor correlations


ϕ 1↔2


(.67; .81)


ϕ 1↔3


(.76; .85)


ϕ 2↔3


(.74; .87)

  1. a Values are based on the three-factor CFA solution (Model C in Table 1) based on the evidence suggested in the 3-factor E/CFA (Model B in Table 1), namely, factor 1 comprised by items 1, 2 and 6; factor 2 by items 3-5; and factor 3 by items 7-10. In brackets: 95% confidence intervals obtained by bootstrap method (B = 1000).