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Table 2 Convergent and discriminant validity results for PA questions

From: Using a single question to assess physical activity in older adults: a reliability and validity study


Absolute Questiona

Relative Questionb

Validation Measure

r (95% CI)c

r (95% CI)c

Convergent validity


   Total score on Berg Balance Scale (n = 158)

0.31 (0.17, 0.45)

0.48 (0.35, 0.59)

   Unsteady gait (n = 152)

0.24 (0.12, 0.40)

0.40 (0.26, 0.56)

   Gait-path (n = 93)

0.32 (0.17, 0.53)

0.57 (0.38, 0.78)

   Gait-trunk (n = 94)

0.29 (0.15, 0.50)

0.42 (0.25, 0.63)

   Gait-abnormality (n = 93)

0.26 (0.00, 0.47)

0.36 (0.20, 0.57)

   Lower extremity weakness (n = 92)

0.21 (0.00, 0.43)

0.37 (0.21, 0.58)

   Postural stability (n = 94)

0.17 (0.00, 0.38)

0.33 (0.17, 0.54)

   Walking ability (n = 158)

0.33 (0.19, 0.49)

0.42 (0.28, 0.58)

   Housework difficulty (n = 158)

0.28 (0.16, 0.45)

0.34 (0.20, 0.50)

   Limits activity-fear of falling (n = 155)

0.10 (0.00, 0.26)

0.28 (0.15, 0.44)

   Pain affects mobility (n = 90)

0.28 (0.00, 0.50)

0.34 (0.18, 0.55)

Discriminant validity


   Home hazards (n = 152)

0.04 (0.00, 0.19)

0.02 (0.00, 0.12)

   Vision (n = 157)

0.05 (0.00, 0.21)

0.07 (0.00, 0.23)

   Skin problems (n = 157)

0.13 (0.00, 0.29)

0.15 (0.00, 0.32)

   Hearing deficit (n = 94)

0.29 (0.15, 0.50)

0.24 (0.00, 0.44)

  1. a Response categories: i) seldom active; ii) moderately active; or iii) vigorously active.
  2. b Response categories: i) less active; ii) about as active; or iii) more active.
  3. c Specific type of correlation coefficient (r): Spearman's rho (total score on Berg Balance Scale) and Cramer's V (all other validation measures)
  4. Validation measures and PA questions were ordered so that higher scores indicated better functioning or higher PA levels.
  5. Abbreviations: CI = Confidence Interval; PA = Physical Activity.