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Table 2 Key challenges for developing NPT based measures

From: From theory to 'measurement' in complex interventions: Methodological lessons from the development of an e-health normalisation instrument

NPT: Key assumptions

Implications and challenges

Individuals’ own perceptions of a new practice are important and worth of assessment

General psychological principles of measurement are relevant and useful

Assessment of individuals’ perceptions of the work involved in a new practice , rather than their own intentions or actions is required

Direct implications for how questions are framed

Outcomes for measurement are likely to be more complex than those based on individual behaviour

Outcomes of interest will be specific to the kind of work required and the particular context in which it is conducted

Understanding work as ‘collaborative’ requires assessment of all groups of individuals who are affected by a new practice

Sampling and recruitment of appropriate professional groups is key

Requires in-depth understanding of the different roles of constituent groups and their working contexts

Likelihood of requiring different versions of an instrument for constituent groups

As a theory of socio-technical change, change over time is a key focus of NPT

Direct implications for how questions are framed, and raises possible alternatives for approaches to assessing impact or making comparison between competing practices

Timing of assessments is a key consideration