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Table 3 Reliability and validity studies of immunization, preventive screening and testing estimates

From: A systematic review of publications assessing reliability and validity of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), 2004–2011

First author (year)

Focus of research

Research findings (confidence intervals)

Shenson (2005)

Reliability and validity testing of immunization questions

Test/retest agreement on vaccination questions was 73%; Self-reports had a sensitivity of .75 and specificity of .83 when compared against medical records.

Bradbury (2005)

Test/ retest of colorectal cancer screening tests

Variation in reliability estimates due in part to time period between test/retest:

k = .55-.69

Cronin (2009)

Validity testing of mammography screening using registry rates and BRFSS rates

Estimates of BRFSS over reporting of mammography:

16% women 40-49

25% women 70-79

Fahimi (2008)

Validity testing of immunization questions from BRFSS, NHIS

Influenza vaccine prevalence:

BRFSS (66.9-68.2)*

NHIS (63.2-66.0)*

Pneumonia vaccine prevalence:

BRFSS (62.7-64.1)*


NHIS (55.3-58.3)*