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Table 1 Summary of the simulation scenarios

From: Characteristics of a loop of evidence that affect detection and estimation of inconsistency: a simulation study

Number of studies

Balanced direct comparisons

KAB = KAC = KBC = 1, …, 7

Imbalanced direct comparisons

KAB = 1, KAC = 4, KBC = 7 (and KAB = 1, KAC = 4, KBC = 3 for the typical loop)

Treatment effects

Comparison AB

ORAB = 0.73

Comparison AC

ORAC = 1

Comparison BC

ORBC = exp{log(ORAC) - log(ORAB) + IFABC}

Inconsistency in the network

Inconsistency Factor

IFABC = {0, 0.3, 0.45, 0.6, 1}

Heterogeneity in the network

Subjective outcome

Ï„2 ~ LN(-2.13, 1.582)

All-cause mortality outcome

Ï„2 ~ LN(-4.06, 1.452)

Trial arm size n A , k 1 = n B , k 1 = n


n ~ U(20, 50)


n ~ U(50, 150)


n ~ U(150, 300) (and n ~ U(120, 160) for the typical loop)

Frequency of events

Average risk for frequent events

AR AB , k 1 ~U 0.25 , 0.75

Average risk for rare events

AR AB , k 1 ~U 0.05 , 0.15

Approaches to estimate the variances of the direct pairwise summary effects

Inverse variance method


Knapp-Hartung method