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Table 3 Distribution of factors influencing recruitment by reported prevalence and impact

From: Influences on recruitment to randomised controlled trials in mental health settings in England: a national cross-sectional survey of researchers working for the Mental Health Research Network


Very commonly reported (80% +)

Reported by majority (50-79%)

Reported by minority (<50%)

Strong consensus (>80%) that factor enhances access to potential participants

23. Gatekeepers express interest in research

17. A senior member of the research team meets gatekeepers to promote the trial.

20. Members of the target population (those potentially affected by trial outcomes) promote referral to the trial with gatekeepers.

18. Gatekeepers receive structured updates about recruitment progress

4. Managers instruct gatekeepers to refer participants.

19. The trial is marketed directly to the target population

5. An identified member of the gatekeeping team is responsible for facilitating referral.


3. Site management proactively endorses trial referral.


12. Assessment of eligibility is integrated with routine clinical practice.


2. Gatekeepers have protected time for research.


Majority (50-79%) felt that factor enhances access to potential participants

14. The intervention is only accessible through the trial.

29. Site recruitment targets (number of participants and/or time frames) are agreed with gatekeepers.

1. Gatekeepers refer to the NHS commitment to patient participation in research.

28. Researchers set recruitment targets.

22. Researchers share the professional background of the gatekeeper.

16. Trial investigators have a structured approach to promoting the trial.

26. Incentives (e.g. chocolates/prize draw) are provided to gatekeepers for the referral of potential participants.

21. Gatekeepers are advised that the target population has been involved in trial design


Majority (>50%) reported factor made no difference

27. Researchers encourage competition between study sites in relation to recruitment


8. Gatekeepers are masked to treatment allocation


Majority (50-79%) felt that factor inhibits access to potential participants

6. Concurrent recruitment to multiple trials is taking place from individual sites.


11. Referral to the trial requires gatekeepers to complete questionnaires or an interview about themselves.

24. Gatekeepers base referral on criteria other than those specified in the trial protocol.


15. Gatekeepers hold views about the effectiveness/appropriateness of the intervention.

7. Trial design is non-simple.

Strong consensus (>80%) that factor inhibits access to potential participants

9. Site is undergoing substantial organisational restructuring/change.

25. Gatekeepers believe trial participation will negatively affect their relationship with potential participants.

10. Trial participation requires ongoing involvement of the gatekeeper.


13. Referral requires gatekeepers to complete questionnaires or an interview about service users.