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Table 4 Comparing parameter estimates from three models

From: Proportional odds ratio model for comparison of diagnostic tests in meta-analysis


POR-relaxed Mixed *

POR Mixed

POR Marginal

overall LOR

1.389 (0.993, 1.786)

0.868 (0.568, 1.169)

2.593 (2.522, 2.664)

Test (NycoCard)

-0.903 (-1.811, 0.006)

-0.93 (-1.104, -0.755)

-0.561 (-0.829, -0.293)


0.016 (-1.556, 1.588)



  1. * logit(Result) = β 0 + β 1 *Disease + β 2 *PaperID + β 3 *Disease*PaperID + β 4 *TestID + β 5 *Disease*TestID + β 6 *Disease*TestID*PaperID