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Table 3 Odds of dropping out of The Olmsted County Study of Urinary Symptoms and Health Status among Men before the seventh biennial contact based on the multivariable model baseline measurements, Rochester, Minnesota (1989–2003)

From: Dropout in a longitudinal, cohort study of urologic disease in community men


Unadjusted OR* (95% CI*)

Multivariable Adjusted OR (95% CI)

Baseline age 40–49

1.00 (Reference)

1.00 (Reference)

Baseline age 50–59

0.66 (0.52, 0.83)

0.59 (0.46, 0.74)

Baseline age 60–69

0.78 (0.61, 1.01)

0.56 (0.42, 0.75)

Baseline age 70+

2.65 (1.93, 3.63)

1.49 (1.01, 2.19)

Erectile Dysfunction

1.86 (1.44, 2.41)

1.52 (1.11, 2.07)


3.99 (2.00, 7.97)

2.39 (1.13, 5.05)

Satisfied with overall health/HRQL*

0.28 (0.18, 0.41)

0.35 (0.23, 0.55)

High School Graduate or more

0.38 (0.28, 0.51)

0.43 (0.30, 0.60)

Member of Clinic Subset

0.79 (0.65, 0.97)

0.74 (0.60, 0.92)

  1. * OR, Odds Ratio; CI, Confidence Interval; HRQL, Health-Related Quality of Life.