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Table 1 Summary of the pros and cons of GEE and QIF

From: Comparison of generalized estimating equations and quadratic inference functions using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) database





✔ GEE parameter estimates are efficient provided the true correlation structure is closely approximated. Parameter estimates are optimal in this case2;

✔ Modules for GEE are widely available in many statistical software applications;

✔ GEE parameter estimates are consistent irrespective of the covariance structure chosen, as long as the linear predictor and link function are correctly specified1,2

✔ Has all the pros of GEE highlighted in the adjacent column3;

✔ Parameter estimates are efficient irrespective of correlation structure specified3;

✔ Includes a "chi-squared inference function" for testing goodness-of-fit and regression misspecification. The function follows a chi-squared distribution irrespective of the specified correlation structure. P-values less than 0.5 suggests that the specified model may be inadequate to describe the observed data 3;

✔ The goodness-of-fit test is analogous to the LRT, thus model selection criteria such as AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) and BIC (Bayes Information Criterion) are natural extensions3;

✔ Gives robust parameter estimates in the presence of outliers/contaminated clusters, by using an "automatic down-weighting strategy" through a weighting matrix3. This property is illustrated in Qu and Song 9;

✔ Existence of a lower bound is guaranteed since the function has a lower bound of 0, thus solving the problem of multiple roots associated with GEE 3;

✔ QIF gives similar results as the GEE when the independent correlation structure is assumed3.


✔ GEE assumes that the chosen model is correctly specified. It is often difficult to assess the goodness-of-fit of models built using GEE due to lack of an inference function like the likelihood ratio test (LRT) 7. The likelihood function for marginal models using GEE is often difficult to evaluate and intractable, especially for data that is not normally distributed 2;

✔ GEE parameter estimates are sensitive to the presence of outliers as illustrated in Diggle et al 2 (page 165) and Qu et al3;

✔ GEE parameter estimates are not efficient if the correlation structure is misspecified. Inefficient estimates may lead to faulty inferences from hypotheses tests3;

✔ Non-convergence of results due to lack of an objective function, and the "multiple roots" problem associated with estimating functions like the quasi-likelihood function 29.

✔ No software implementation available, but SAS macro available for download28;

✔ Is only presently applicable to three working covariance structures: Independent, Exchangeable and AR(1) 28;