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Table 4 Criteria for the presence of sex-specific evidence relevant to clinical questions in primary research papers

From: Locating sex-specific evidence on clinical questions in MEDLINE: a search filter for use on OvidSP™

Statements in title or abstract concerning:

Men (boys)

Women (girls)

Differences between the sexes

(Evaluation of) Independent effect of sex/gender on the relationship under study

(Evaluation of) Sex/gender as predictor for the outcome of the study

(Evaluation of) Sex/gender as an effect modifier of the relationship under study

When the above-mentioned statements in title or abstract are absent:

Screening full text for statements regarding methods of analysis:

Comparison between the sexes

Comparison between groups of a single sex

Stratification by sex or subgroup analysis by sex

Evaluation of sex/gender as effect modifier

Evaluation of the independent effect of sex/gender on the relationship under study

Evaluation of sex/gender as an independent predictor for the study outcome

Statements regarding methods must be followed by a report about the outcome of this particular analysis.

Screening full text for statements regarding reporting of results:

Presentation of separate risk estimates for men (boys) and women (girls)

Presentation estimating the differences between (groups within) the sexes

Outcome of a subgroup analysis by sex