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Table 1 Scheme of ABC and required settings for simulation-based estimation

From: Simulation-based estimation of mean and standard deviation for meta-analysis via Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC)

ABC steps


θ* ~ p(θ); generate θ* from prior distribution


D* ~ f(θ*); generate pseudo data


Compute summary statistics, S(D*), from D* and compare with given summary statistics, S(D).

If ρ(S(D*),S(D)) < ε, then θ* is accepted

  Repeat steps 1–3 many times to obtain enough number of accepted θ* for statistical inference

Settings for simulation-based estimation of mean and standard deviation





Underlying data distribution. (e.g.: normal, log-normal, exponential)

Normal (μ, σ)

Given the nature of the outcome variable, an educated decision about the underlying distribution can be made.


Prior uniform distribution for each underlying parameter.

For μ, use U(Xmin, Xmax) in S1, or

U(XQ1, XQ3) in S2 and S3.

For σ, use U(0, L) where L denotes some large number beyond Xmaxin S1 or XQ3 in S2 and S3.


Acceptance percentage and number of iterations

Acceptance of 0.1 % and 50,000 or 100, 000 iterations.