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Table 1 Data quality: Number of respondents who ‘did not answer’ and who answered ‘don’t know’. Only items with >3% of respondents answering ‘don’t know’ are shown. Total n = 3000 for all items

From: Measurement properties of the Danish version of the Awareness and Beliefs about Cancer (ABC) measure


Did not answer

% (n)

Don’t knowa

% (n)

Awareness of cancer symptoms

Response options: yes; no.

 Q10. Persistent unexplained pain

0 (0)

3.4 (101)

 Q11. Unexplained bleeding

0 (0)

4.5 (135)

 Q14. Persistent difficulty in swallowing

0 (0)

3.4 (101)

 Q16. Sore that does not heal

0 (1)

4.5 (134)

 Q17. Unexplained night sweats

0 (0)

8.2 (245)

Beliefs about cancer

Response options: strongly disagree; tend to disagree; tend to agree; strongly agree.

 Q29. Most cancer treatment is worse than the cancer itself

0.3 (8)

9.9 (296)

Awareness of 5-year survival from cancer

Response options: 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10.

 Q34. Out of 10 people diagnosed with bowel cancer, how many do you think would be alive 5 years later?

0.1 (3)

5.0 (151)

 Q36. Out of 10 people diagnosed with ovarian cancer, how many do you think would be alive 5 years later?

0.2 (5)

6.3 (189)

 Q37. Out of 10 people diagnosed with lung cancer, how many do you think would be alive 5 years later?

0.2 (5)

3.1 (93)

Awareness of risk factors for cancer

Response options: strongly disagree; tend to disagree; tend to agree; strongly agree

 QN3. Drinking more than 1 unit of alcohol a day

0 (0)

3.1 (94)

 QN5. Eating red or processed meat once a day or more

0 (1)

7.5 (224)

 QN6. Being obese

0 (1)

4.1 (124)

 QN8. Being over 70 years old

0 (1)

3.2 (96)

 QN9. Having a close relative with cancer

0.1 (2)

3.1 (94)

 QN10. Infection with HPV, Human Papillomavirus

0 (0)

68.3 (2050)

 QN13. Exposure to ionising radiation from, for example, radioactive materials, x-rays or radon

0.1 (2)

3.8 (114)

  1. aDon’t know was not provided as a response option in any items, but was noted by the interviewer when respondents answered ‘don’t know’ unprovokedly