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Table 1 Background and team member roles in the focused ethnography

From: Conducting a team-based multi-sited focused ethnography in primary care

Role in project

Task in focused ethnography


1. Co-investigator (SZ)

Senior lead of focused ethnographers and data analysis

Medical Sociologist, background in qualitative research

2. Co-investigator (HA)

Day-to-day lead of focused ethnographers and data analysis

Health services researcher, background in mixed methods, expert in field

3. Project manager (HB)

Focused ethnographic researcher in 3 case study sites

Health psychologist, background in nursing and mixed methods

4. Focused ethnographer (TP)

Focused ethnographic researcher in 3 case study sites

Medical anthropologist, background in qualitative methods

5. Focused ethnographer (AB)

Focused ethnographic researcher in 2 case study sites

Social scientist, background in anthropology and mixed methods

6.Principal investigator (CS)

Data analysis

GP, background in mixed methods, expert in field

7. Co-investigator (BM)

Data analysis

GP, background in mixed methods, expert in field

8. Co-investigator (JC)

Data analysis

GP, background in mixed methods, expert in field

9. Co-investigator (AG)

Data analysis

Patient Public Involvement (PPI) expert