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Fig. 3 | BMC Medical Research Methodology

Fig. 3

From: An application of restricted mean survival time in a competing risks setting: comparing time to ART initiation by injection drug use

Fig. 3

The effect of follow-up time on three different effect estimates comparing ART initiation by IDU accounting for the competing event of death and loss-to-clinic. Panel a) displays the standardizeda difference (with 95% confidence interval) in restricted mean time in years spent not on ART while alive and in clinic by history of injection drug use over follow-up time. Panel b) displays the standardizeda cause-specific hazard ratio (HR) over follow-up time. Panel c) displays the standardizeda subdistribution mortality risk ratio (RR) over follow-up time. a Curves are standardized to the distribution of sex, race, AIDS diagnosis, prior ART mono- or dual-therapy, age, CD4 cell count, log10 HIV viral load, Hepatitis C, history of smoking, and hazardous alcohol use in the total sample at clinic enrollment using inverse probability of exposure weights. b Dashed grey lines represent the null hypothesis (i.e. difference in RMST = 0 and HR = 1) in each panel. c The solid black line on panels B and C is the lowess smoother to show the overall trend of the estimands

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