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Table 8 Scenario – conducting the systematic review

From: The TRANSFER Approach for assessing the transferability of systematic review findings

Scenario: You conduct the systematic review using standard methods for reviews of effectiveness. The identified transferability factors influence the search strategy (e.g. limits related to country, time, etc.) and inclusion criteria (e.g. limits related to population, setting for implementation of the intervention, etc.). Ten studies match your inclusion criteria, and you extract data from these using a standard form. In addition to the characteristics related to study design, population, intervention and outcomes, you also extract data related to length of homelessness at baseline, quality and comprehensiveness of usual housing services in the comparison condition, and the climate in the setting where the study is conducted. When a study does not include information related to the transferability factor, you record “not reported” for that study. In many of the studies, information regarding climate is not reported. You therefore identify documents external to the included studies that can give you information regarding climate for each study setting.