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Fig. 3 | BMC Medical Research Methodology

Fig. 3

From: Adjusting for comorbidity in incidence-based DALY calculations: an individual-based modeling approach

Fig. 3

(Upper panel) Years lived with disability (YLD) per 1000 cases per day, for colorectal cancer over time, unadjusted or adjusted for co-occurrence with healthcare-associated pneumonia (HAP), for a simulated cohort of cancer patients from age 65 to 85 years. (Lower panel) Comorbidity-adjusted YLD per 1000 cases per day, for HAP, for 120 HAP infections occurring among a simulated 1000 patient cohort. Adjusted YLD in both panels is overlaid with YLD computed using the unadjusted approach; note that the two series in the upper panel almost completely overlap. Values represent means over 500 simulations

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