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Table 2 Commonly described selection processes at the population-level in the epidemiological literature classified according to the proposed framework

From: A novel framework for classification of selection processes in epidemiological research


Type of mechanism

Timing of the selection


At exposure entry

During exposure


(1) Population- level

(1.1) Selection in exposure

(1.1.1) Self-selection

Confounding by indication

Healthy worker hire effect

(1.1.2) Side effects causing exposure changes

Healthy worker survivor effect

(1.1.3) Subclinical symptoms causing exposure changes


(1.2) Selection in population composition

(1.2.1) Index event


(1.2.2) Competing event

Depletion of susceptibles

(1.2.3) Berkson’s fallacy


At study entry

During follow-up


(2) Study-specific

(2.1) Selection in exposure

(2.1.1) Self-selection

(2.1.2) Non-compliance1

(2.1.3) Non-compliance1


(2.2) Selection in population composition


Restriction of source population

Study base definition


Healthy volunteer effect

(2.2.2) Loss to follow-up

(2.2.3) Loss to follow-up Selective participation in a case-control study

  1. 1Non-compliance with treatment (exposure) administration specified in the study protocol