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Table 1 Designing an e-Delphi using CREDES

From: Improving design choices in Delphi studies in medicine: the case of an exemplary physician multi-round panel study with 100% response

Define purpose and rationale of Delphi

Prior information for establishing the knowledge base of the panel

Unstructured (classical) or structured (modified) first round

Required question type (qualitative or quantitative)

Define consensus and non-consensus

Clear and transparent guidelines on how to proceed from round to round

 - purpose of rounds

 - what if no consensus is reached after several iterations?

 - do items need to be deleted in next rounds (consensus / rated irrelevant)?

 - do items need to be refined in next rounds (when and how)?

 - number of rounds

 - define what determines the last round

Strategy for processing results between survey rounds

Development of materials/instruments (platform / lay-out / questions)

Pilot materials / instruments

Selection of experts

Role of research team

Strategy to improve response rate

Validate final report externally