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Fig. 3 | BMC Medical Research Methodology

Fig. 3

From: Missing-data analysis: socio- demographic, clinical and lifestyle determinants of low response rate on self- reported psychological and nutrition related multi- item instruments in the context of the ATTICA epidemiological study

Fig. 3

Statistically significant socio-demographic, clinical and lifestyle determinants of the average number of missing items in the total instrument Zung’s Self- Rating Depression Scale and in its subscales estimating the affective, cognitive and somatic symptoms; the ATTICA epidemiological study. Notes: Results are based on the Poisson regression analysis. IRR = Incidence Rate Ratio, CI = Confidence Interval. p = p-value. Educational level is defined as follows: No formal studies = 0 years, Primary education≤6 years, Secondary education≤12 years and Higher education> 12 years. The definition of hypercholesterolemia was based on the total serum cholesterol levels. Healthy lifestyle = non- smokers and physically active participants, Unhealthy lifestyle = Either smokers, or physically inactive participants. Diabetes mellitus was defined as a fasting blood sugar > 125 mg/dl or the use of antidiabetic medication. Patients whose average blood pressure levels were greater or equal to 140 / 90 mmHg or were under antihypertensive medication were classified as hypertensives

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