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Table 8 Corresponding Observation and Survey Items

From: Measuring psychological safety in healthcare teams: developing an observational measure to complement survey methods


Corresponding survey questions

Voice Behaviours

 Communicating opinions to others even if they disagree

Q2, Q4, Q7, Q11, Q13, Q16, Q18, Q19

 Asking questions

Q1, Q10, Q17

 Providing information

Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q11, Q12, Q13, Q14, Q15, Q18, Q19

 Providing feedback

Q2, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q11, Q12, Q13, Q14, Q15, Q16, Q18, Q19

 Providing help or solutions

Q4, Q13, Q18

 Correcting others

Q15, Q18, Q19

Defensive Voice Behaviours

 Denying faults or blame others

Q5, Q14

 Showing aggression (Raising voice, large gestures)


 Evading confrontation by focusing only on positives

Q5, Q6, Q14, Q15

Silence Behaviours

 Facial expression indicates fear

Q7, Q16

 Facial expression indicates disengagement

Q4, Q7, Q8, Q13, Q16,

 Closed body language (arms closed, lean backwards)


Supportive Behaviours

 Sharing procedures, knowledge and experience

Q2, Q4, Q11, Q13 Q18, Q19

 Sharing future plans

Q18, Q19

 Active listening (verify, paraphrase)

Q1, Q10

 Use of inclusive language such as “we”


 Agreeing/Responding positively or enthusiastically to input

Q7, Q16

 Acknowledging achievements/ congratulating one another


 Delegating tasks

Q8, Q17

Unsupportive Behaviours


Q7, Q16

 Discussions within small sub-groups

Q7, Q16

 Reacting cold/ignoring a joke


Learning or Improvement Oriented Behaviours

 Reviewing own progress and performance

Q1, Q4, Q10, Q13, Q19

 Asking for feedback

Q1, Q10

 Asking for help or solutions

Q1, Q10, Q17

 Asking for input from all meeting participants

Q7, Q8, Q16

 Informing the team about issues or mistakes related to patient safety

Q5, Q6, Q14, Q15, Q18, Q19

 Looking for improvement opportunities and speaking up with ideas

Q4, Q8, Q13

 Acknowledging own mistake

Q5, Q14

Familiarity Behaviours

 Talking about personal, non-work matters

Q12, Q3

 Laughing about a joke


Overview Observations

 There was enough opportunity for participants to ask for help

Q1, Q10, Q17

 There was enough opportunity for participants to speak up

Q1, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q12, Q13, Q14, Q15, Q16, Q18, Q19

 There was enough opportunity for participants to discuss with the team leader

Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7

 Certain team members dominated the discussion

Q7, Q16

 Decisions were made together, by the entire team

Q7, Q16

 The atmosphere in this team was constructive

Q1, Q4, Q8, Q10, Q13, Q17, Q19

 People seemed genuine and not to hold back anything

Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q10, Q11, Q12, Q13, Q14, Q15, Q16, Q17, Q18, Q19