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Table 1 Methodological comparison of the four models used for analysis of longitudinal HRQoL score data

From: Handling informative dropout in longitudinal analysis of health-related quality of life: application of three approaches to data from the esophageal cancer clinical trial PRODIGE 5/ACCORD 17







  Validity of the model

Under MAR assumption

Under MNAR assumption

Under MNAR assumption

Under MNAR assumption

  Model for the HRQoL outcome Y



LMM by pattern


  Model for the dropout variable



Dropout at specific time (discrete)


Dropout at specific time (discrete)

Survival model

Dropout at any time (continuous)

  Graphical outputs

Mean HRQoL score over time according to treatment arm

Mean HRQoL score over time according to treatment arm

(Mean HRQoL score over time according to treatment arm)

Mean HRQoL score over time according to treatment arm for each dropout pattern

Mean HRQoL score over time according to treatment arm

Hazard function of dropout according to treatment arm


  Main estimated parameters

Fixed effects (β0, β1, and β2)

Fixed effects (β0, β1, and β2)

Logistic regression coefficients (ψ0, ψ1, and ψ2)

(Fixed effects overall patterns (β0, β1, and β2))

Fixed effects in each pattern k (\( {\beta}_0^k \), \( {\beta}_1^k \), and \( {\beta}_2^k \))

Proportion in each pattern (Ï€k)

Fixed effects (β0, β1, and β2)

Association parameter (α)

Effect of arm on instantaneous risk of dropout (γ)


Improvement/deterioration of the HRQoL

Improvement/deterioration of the HRQoL

Testing MNAR assumption:

a non-null ψ2 when probability of dropout is associated with unobserved Y

(Improvement/deterioration of the HRQoL)

Improvement/deterioration of the HRQoL in each dropout pattern

Improvement/deterioration of the HRQoL

Risk of dropout over time

Testing MNAR assumption: a non-null α when instantaneous risk of dropout is associated with current value of Y

  Underlying assumptions


Normality of the complete (observed and unobserved) Y

Extrapolation of the conditional distribution of Y (given the dropout pattern) beyond the dropout to obtain estimations for the marginal distribution of Y

Conditional independence of Y and T given the random effects

Normality assumption of the random effects distribution

  Key limitations

Do not account for informative dropout

Dropout in discrete time

Not directly available in classical statistical software

Dropout in discrete time

Do not directly provide marginal estimates

Computationally challenging to approximate integrals over random effects

  Main software

R (nlme)


Stata (mixed)

S plus (OSWALD, pcmid function but not currently available)

Implemented with R in our application (sophisticated programming)

Implemented with R in our application (easy programming)

R (JM, JMBayes)


Stata (stjm)

  1. Legend: LMM Linear Mixed Model, SM Selection Model, PMM Pattern-Mixture Model, SPM Shared-Parameter Model, MCAR Missing Completely At Random; MAR Missing At Random, MNAR Missing Not At Random, HRQoL Health-Related Quality of Life