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Table 1 Summary of key variables and data definitions used in the record linkage process

From: Patient-specific record linkage between emergency department and hospital admission data for a cohort of people who inject drugs: methodological considerations for frequent presenters



Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset (VEMD)a

Victorian Admitted Episode Dataset (VAED)a

For linkage to cohort data

Medicare number

Medicare suffix

Date of birth


Medicare number

Medicare suffix

Date of birth


For VEMD to VAED linkage

Unique identifierb

Arrival date

Arrival time

Departure date

Departure time

Unique identifierb

Admission date

Admission time

Separation date

Separation time

Useful for manual inspection of links

Type of visit

Referred by

Departure status

Reason for transfer

Campus code

ICD-10-AM diagnosesc

Admission type

Admission source

Separation mode

Accommodation type on separation

Campus code

ICD-10-AM diagnosisc

Care type

Clinical speciality

For identifying continuous episodes of care

Departure status indicating planned transfer of care

Transfer to mental health bed, different hospital

Transfer to another hospital campus

Transfer to intensive care, different hospital

Separation mode indicating transfer of care

Statistical separationd

Separation and transfer to other hospital

Cross checking expected versus found links

Departure status suggesting admission occurred

Ward setting at this hospitale

Procedure room at this campus

Transfers to another hospital campus

Departure status suggesting no admission

Return to usual residencef

Left before treatment completedg

Dead on arrival or died in ED

Admission type suggesting preceding ED visit

Emergency admission through this hospital

Admission type cannot confirm prior ED visit

Admission from waiting list

Other admissionh


Statistical admissiond

Other emergency admissionj

  1. aData definitions for VEMD and VAED between 2008 and 2013 were reviewed and amalgamated for this study
  2. bWhere a unique identifier is assigned by the Centre for Victorian Data Linkage
  3. cInternational Classification of Diseases, 10th revision, Australian Modification
  4. dRefers to change in care type within the same hospital
  5. eIncludes intensive care, mental health beds, other wards, coronary care, mental health observation units, short stay units, emergency medical units and medical assessment and planning units
  6. fWhere usual residence includes home, correctional/custodial facility, mental health residential facility, residential care home
  7. gIncludes left at risk after treatment started, left after clinical advice, left at own risk without treatment
  8. hIncludes planned admissions from outpatient departments, day-surgeries or day treatments (e.g. chemotherapy or dialysis), and follow up admissions following a previous emergency department presentation
  9. iPertains to the admission of a pregnant female of 20 or more weeks’ gestation, or a female within 42 days of giving birth
  10. jIncludes patients referred from general practice or outpatient clinics for direct ward admission as well as patients that have presented to non-VEMD reporting emergency departments