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Table 2 Cohorts’ recruitment and EPICE/SHIPS study waves in Portugal, Italy and Denmark: strategies of implementation and participation

From: Understanding participation in European cohort studies of preterm children: the views of parents, healthcare professionals and researchers

PT - Portuguese Cohort

IT - Italian Cohort

DK - Danish Cohort

Regions: Northern; Lisbon and Tagus Valley

Regions: Emilia Romagna; Marche; Lazio

Regions: Funen; Zealand; Lolland; Falster

EPICE study

Cohort recruitment

Birth/baseline 2011/12

F-to-f by neonatologists of the units where the babies were born/being cared, at the hospital unit.

1. data abstracted from medical records

Participation: 544a/607 d.a. (90%)

(n = 879 live & still births)

F-to-f by neonatologists of the units where the babies were born/being cared,

at the hospital unit.

1. data abstracted from medical records


975 /975 d.a.


(n = 1326 live &

F-to-f by neonatologists of the units where the babies were born/being cared, at the hospital unit.

1. data abstracted from medical records

still births)

Participation: 286/286 d.a. (100%) (n = 441 live & still births)

F-up at 1 yr ca


1. parental questionnaire by phone.



(did not take place)


(did not take place)


F-up at 2 yrs.



1. parental questionnaire sent out by post (and to be returned by post).

Participation: (75%)

1. parental structured questionnaire sent out by post and/or email (and to be returned by post or email) or admin. by phone, if necessary.




1. parental structured questionnaire sent out by post (and to be returned by post).


Participation: (63%)

F-up at 3 yrs.


1. parental questionnaire by phone.

2. parental questionnaire (3d’ food diary + CBCL) sent out by post (and to be returned by post).



(did not take place)


(did not take place)


F-up at 4 yrs.


1. parental structured questionnaire by phone.

Participation: (83%)

(did not take place)


(did not take place)


SHIPS study

F-up at 5 yrs.


1. structured questionnaire by parents (on site, while children were being


Participation: 435/533 (82%)

1. parental structured questionnaire sent out by post and/or email (and to be returned by post or email) or admin. by phone, if necessary.

Participation: 692/975 (71%)

1. parental structured questionnaire sent out by post (and to be returned by post).


Participation: 152/286 (53%)

2. neurodevelopmental assessment by a team of psychologists and nurses at alternative locations (results sent to parents or to referred paediatrician according to parents’ preference).

Participation: (82%) (EPT n = 113)

2. neurodevelopmental assessment of the sub-sample extremely preterm (EPT) by a team of psychologists at alternative locations (results handed over to parents).

Participation: 135/223 EPT (60.5%)

2. neurodevelopmental assessment ofthe sub-sample extremely preterm (EPT) by a team of physiotherapists and psychologists at alternative locations (results handed over to parents).


Participation: 42/52 EPT (81%)

3. F-to-f in-depth semi-structured interviews to a sample of 10–15 parents of the sub-set EPT that completed the questionnaire, at alternative locations.

Participation: n = 12

3. F-to-f in-depth semi-structured interviews to a sample of 10–15 parents of the sub-set EPT that completed the questionnaire, at alternative locations.


n = 14

(did not take place)



EPICE/SHIPS-PT cohort research team, Dec 2019.

EPICE/SHIPS-IT cohort research team, Nov 2019.

EPICE/SHIPS-DK cohort research team, Sept 2019.

  1. Legend: This Table gives an overview on the cohorts’ recruitment and their strategies of implementation and participation of the EPICE/SHIPS study waves in Portugal, Italy and Denmark
  2. d.a. discharged alive from hospital
  3. a52 parents were not invited to participate in the cohort; 11 refused follow-up