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Table 1 Assessment of consideration of confounding bias in Abstracts and Discussion [26]

From: Evaluation of confounding in epidemiologic studies assessing alcohol consumption on the risk of ischemic heart disease

1. “Do the authors mention confounding using explicitly the terms “confounder(s),” “confounding,” “confound,” or do they allude to it without using those terms, or is confounding not considered at all?” [26]

2. “Do the authors mention bias using explicitly the term “bias”?” [26]

3. “Do the authors mention specific confounders that have not been adjusted for? (If yes, what were the reasons? If not, were there unspecified unmeasured confounders without specifically stating which ones?” [26]

4. “Do the authors state that their main findings are likely, possibly, or unlikely affected by residual confounding?” [26]

5. “Do the authors state that their findings need to be interpreted with caution due to confounding?” [26]

6. “Do the authors call for caution or indicate limitations or uncertainty due to possible confounding or other bias in their conclusions?” [26]