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Table 1 Baseline patient characteristics (n = 867)

From: Psychometric validation techniques applied to the IND-VFQ-33 visual function questionnaire: the Hyderabad ocular morbidity in the elderly study (HOMES)


Normal vision (n = 683)

Visual Impairment (n = 184)

Age (mean, (SD))

74 (8.09)

75 (8.83)

Female (n, (%))

424 (62.1)

113 (61.4)

Education (n, (%))

 - < High School

70 (10.3)

46 (25)

 - High School

448 (65.6)

111 (60.3)

 - > High School

165 (24.2)

27 (14.7)

Housing (n, (%))

 - Fully subsidized

92 (13.5)

35 (19)

 - Partially subsidized

303 (44.4)

84 (45.7)

 - Independently paid

288 (42.2)

65 (35.3)

Diabetes (n, (%))

223 (32.7)

40 (21.7)

Depression (n, (%)) a

 - None-Mild

546 (79.9)

126 (68.5)

 - Moderate

85 (12.5)

19 (10.3)

 - Severe

52 (7.6)

39 (21.2)

  1. Key: (a) PHQ-9 depression score; categorized as either none-mild (sum score 0–9), moderate (sum score 10–19), or severe (sum score 20–27) depression