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Table 2 Data elements tracked to capture modifications to implementation strategies

From: Strengthening methods for tracking adaptations and modifications to implementation strategies

Data element




Briefly describe the modification

 When did modification occur

Note when the modification was made (e.g week, month or wedge, cohort)

 Who made decision to modify

Note implementation team, practice coach, clinic, or specify other

 Goal of modification

Describe anticipated change as a result of the modification

 Nature of modification

Select tweaking/refining, shortening, lengthening, reordering, removing/skipping

 Reason for modification

Summary of challenges the modification was meant to address, use CFIR categories, and FRAME categories as additions

 Source information for reason

Note specific source of information for the reason


 CFIR domain

Reason, barrier or determinant coded using CFIR

 ERIC category

Strategy coded to broad category using ERIC

 ERIC implementation strategy

Strategy coded to specific implementation strategy


 Primary actor

Who enacts the strategy? Indicate the position of actor if possible

 Supporting actor(s)

Any internal or external person who is helping the primary actor


Provide a detailed description of the action taken by each actor.


Learning session, coaching call, email or other informal contact


Frequency, duration, time required, scaled over time; start and end dates


Does this strategy need to occur in sequence with other strategies


State reason strategy being used

 Action Target

Person or groups whose knowledge, attitudes, or behavior should change, and state change


List any outcome reported that would show that the strategy had an effect


Was the strategy used
