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Table 2 Overview of (non-parametric) identification results for case-control studies with exact pair matching

From: Identification of causal effects in case-control studies

Sampling scheme



Identification strategy


Risk ratio for intention-to-treat effect \(\frac {\Pr (Y_{K}(1)=1)}{\Pr (Y_{K}(0)=1)}\)

∙Matched control exposure A′ sampled from the baseline exposure levels of all subjects with same baseline covariate level L0 as case, independently of the subjects’ baseline exposure or survival status ∙Consistency ∙Baseline conditional exchangeability ∙Positivity ∙Pr(YK=1|L0=l,A0=1)/Pr(YK=1|L0=l,A0=0) constant across levels l (Theorem 7, Supplementary Appendix C)

1. Compute the frequency of discordant case-control pairs with A0=1 and A′=02. Compute the frequency of discordant case-control pairs with A0=0 and A′=1 3. Take the ratio of the results of steps 1 and 2


Odds ratio for intention-to-treat effect \(\frac {\text {Odds}(Y_{K}(1)=1|L_{0})}{\text {Odds}(Y_{K}(0)=1|L_{0})}\)

∙Matched control exposure A′ sampled from all the baseline exposure levels of all survivors (YK=0) with same value for L0 as case, independently of the subjects’ baseline exposure ∙Consistency ∙Baseline conditional exchangeability ∙Positivity ∙Odds(YK=1|L0,A0=1)/Odds(YK=1|L0,A0=0) constant across levels l (Theorem 8, Supplementary Appendix C)

(Same as identification strategy for case-base sampling)


Hazard ratio for intention-to-treat effect \(\frac {\Pr (Y_{k+1}(1)=1|L_{0},Y_{k}(1)=0)}{\Pr (Y_{k+1}(0)=1|L_{0},Y_{k}(0)=0)}\)

∙For a case with incident event in [tk,tk+1) (i.e., Yk=0,Yk+1=1), matched control exposure A′ sampled from the baseline exposure levels of all subjects that are event-free at tk (Yk=0) and have the same value for L0 as case. Sampling among these individuals is independent of baseline exposure or survival status ∙Consistency ∙Baseline conditional exchangeability ∙Positivity ∙Pr(Yk+1=1|L0=l,A0=1,Yk=0)/Pr(Yk+1=1|L0=l,A0=0,Yk=0) constant across levels k,l(Theorem 9, Supplementary Appendix C)

(Same as identification strategy for case-base sampling)


Hazard ratio for per-protocol effect \(\frac {\Pr (Y_{k+1}(\overline {1})=1|L_{0},...,L_{k},A_{0}=...=A_{k}=1,Y_{k}(\overline {1})=0)}{\Pr (Y_{k+1}(\overline {0})=1|L_{0},...,L_{k},A_{0}=...=A_{k}=0,Y_{k}(\overline {0})=0)}\)

∙For a case with incident event in [t+k,tk+1) (i.e., Yk=0,Yk+1=1), matched control exposure A′ sampled from the baseline exposure levels A0 of all individuals who adhered to one of the protocols until tk (i.e., A0=...=Ak) and have covariate history up to tk. Sampling among these individuals is independent of baseline exposure or survival status ∙Consistency ∙Positivity ∙Pr(Yk+1=1|L0,...,Lk,A0=...=Ak=1,Yk=0)/Pr(Yk+1=1|L0,...,Lk,A0=...=Ak=0,Yk=0) constant across levels k and independent of L0,...,Lk(Theorem 10, Supplementary Appendix C)

(Same as identification strategy for case-base sampling)

  1. See text or Supplementary material for elaboration on assumptions