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Table 7 The distribution of answer values for the background questions BQ2-BQ4 and BQ8-BQ9. M = mean, Mdn=median, SD=standard deviation

From: Detecting the patient’s need for help with machine learning based on expressions

Background question (BQ)

Answer value

BQ2: a health problem reduces ability

No (coded as 1): 219 (33%); Yes (coded as 2): 454 (67%) (M = 1.67; Mdn=2; SD=0.47)

BQ3: one or more diseases identified by a doctor

Disease category (the number of unique persons who selected the category): Lung diseases: 126; Heart and circulatory diseases: 177; Joint and back diseases: 301; Injuries:103; Mental health problems: 188; Vision and hearing deficits: 191; Other diseases: 345

BQ4: a continuous or repeated need for a doctor’s care

No (coded as 1): 364 (54%); Yes (coded as 2): 309 (46%) (M = 1.46; Mdn=1; SD=0.50)

BQ8: the sex

Man (coded as 1): 123 (18%); Woman (coded as 2): 550 (82%) (M = 1.82; Mdn=2; SD=0.39)

BQ9: the age

Belonging to an age range category (the lower bound is included in the range but not the upper bound): 16-20 years: 143 (21%); 20-30 years: 21 (3%); 30-40 years: 61 (9%); 40-50 years: 96 (14%); 50-60 years: 135 (20%); 60-70 years: 141 (21%); 70-80 years: 64 (10%); 80-90 years: 12 (2%); 90 years or more: 0 (0%) (M = 46.93; Mdn=51; SD=19.57)