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Table 1 The INCLUSIVE trial

From: Locating and testing the healthy context paradox: examples from the INCLUSIVE trial

We use data from INCLUSIVE [3], a school randomised trial of restorative practice in schools involving 40 schools (n = 6667 at baseline, n = 5960 at 36-month follow-up) serving students age 11-16 in south-east England from 2014 to 2017. Overall, the intervention, which comprised restorative practice, student participation in school decisions and a student social-emotional learning curriculum, was found to reduce student-reported bullying victimisation and improve mental wellbeing as well as benefit other secondary outcomes at 36-month follow-up for children aged 14-15 years. Full details of methods and overall results are presented elsewhere [3]. When we refer to the INCLUSIVE trial in terms of mediation, we use bullying victimisation as the mediator and mental wellbeing as the outcome.