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Fig. 3 | BMC Medical Research Methodology

Fig. 3

From: A framework to model global, regional, and national estimates of intimate partner violence

Fig. 3

Graphical posterior predictive checks for 16 countries of the Western region of sub-Saharan Africa. Average prevalence for the observed data (triangle) are presented in grey while the model predictions are in yellow (round dots). The vertical lines correspond to the 95% confidence or uncertainty intervals of the data and prediction, respectively. The annotations above the country names described the type of prevalence estimates displayed, the year of data collection, the age group, the surveyed population, and the type of intimate partner violence recorded. (BEN: Benin; BFA: Burkina Faso; CIV: Côte d’Ivoire; CMR: Cameroon; CPV: Cabo Verde; GHA: Ghana; GIN: Guinea; GMB: The Gambia; LBR: Liberia; MLI: Mali; NGA: Nigeria; SEN: Senegal; SLE: Sierra Leone; STP: Sao Tome and Principe; TCD: Chad; TGO: Togo.)

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