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Table 2 Decision - making criteria

From: Prioritizing population-based nutrition-related interventions to prevent and control hypertension in Iran: a multi-criteria decision-making approach




To what extent will the intervention strategy produce the desired outcome in real - world settings.

The extent to which an intervention achieves the desired outcome in real - world settings/context.

Implementation costs

What are the costs related to developing and executing the intervention strategy?

Acceptance by policy-makers

Is the intervention strategy politically acceptable? To what extent will the program be accepted by decision-makers?

Acceptance by population

To what extent will the intervention strategy be accepted by the target community?

Acceptance by executives

To what extent will the intervention strategy be accepted by the executives?


Is there adequate capacity to implement the intervention strategy?

Is the strategy feasible in the current context?


Is ongoing capacity and infrastructure required for the intervention strategy to continue?


Does intervention strategy reach high priority groups?

Is the strategy impact evenly distributed or does it have high impact on a few people or a low impact on many?