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Table 1 Coefficients and 95% confidence intervals from the FPM and Poisson models of the mortality rates with two time-scales (t1 as time since surgery, and t2 as time since relapse or metastasis (RM)) and a time-varying indicator for the second time-scale (Indicator for RM) for Rotterdam Breast Cancer patients. Note: the spline coefficients are not interpretable on their own but they are used for making smooth predictions of the mortality rates

From: Modelling multiple time-scales with flexible parametric survival models




Indicator for RM

3.1891 (2.9314, 3.4468)

3.1937 (2.9362, 3.4512)

Age spline 1

-0.0578 (-0.1092, -0.0063)

-0.0578 (-0.1092, -0.0063)

Age spline 2

-0.0005 (-0.0009, 0)

-0.0005 (-0.0009, 0)

Age spline 3

0.0006 (-0.0002, 0.0014)

0.0006 (-0.0002, 0.0014)

Age spline 4

-0.0001 (-0.0008, 0.0005)

-0.0001 (-0.0008, 0.0005)

Age spline 5

-0.0001 (-0.0004, 0.0002)

-0.0001 (-0.0004, 0.0002)

Indicator for hormonal therapy

0.3224 (0.1439, 0.5009)

0.3221 (0.1436, 0.5006)

log(t1) spline 1

0.8853 (0.4266, 1.344)

0.8802 (0.4226, 1.3379)

log(t1) spline 2

0.7396 (0.3272, 1.1519)

0.7364 (0.3243, 1.1486)

log(t1) spline 3

-1.0513 (-1.7461, -0.3565)

-1.0467 (-1.7412, -0.3521)

t2 spline 1

0.4519 (0.1646, 0.7392)

0.4465 (0.1594, 0.7336)

t2 spline 2

0.0562 (-0.0555, 0.1679)

0.0546 (-0.0571, 0.1662)

t2 spline 3

-0.0153 (-0.0711, 0.0404)

-0.0146 (-0.0703, 0.0411)


-4.0529 (-4.3845, -3.7213)

-4.0549 (-4.3864, -3.7234)