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Table 2 Example of assets and risk scenarios for risk elements in the domain Overall Study Management (Part A) and Participant Safety and Rights (Part B). Assets that apply to all trials are marked in red

From: Development of a risk-tailored approach and dashboard for efficient management and monitoring of investigator-initiated trials




Risk element


Risk scenario

Overall Study Management

Participant Schedule

Visits/Phone calls must be within the given Timeframe

(A) Time point of visit is critical for the endpoint assessment of the study

(B) Large number of visits are difficult to organize and coordinate between centres and patients




Risk element


Risk scenario

Participant Safety and Rights


SAE have to be reported and documented correctly in the required timeframe

Complexity of CRF or missing SOPs for SAE Reporting leads to

(A) Incorrect documentation and

(B) Delayed reporting of SAEs

  1. Abbreviations: CRF, case report form; SOPs, standard operating procedures; SAE, serious adverse events