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Table 3 Suggested approaches from COG and CCL that would facilitate accrual at the institutions

From: Facilitating accrual to cancer control and supportive care trials: the clinical research associate perspective

Themes and sub-themes (number of times mentioned)

Example quotations

Staff presence and dynamics (2)

Awareness (2)

"Encourage newer COG CRA and RN members to participate."

Logistics including adequate numbers of eligible patients (14)

Ensure study is feasible and minimize data collection (6)

"Simplify, simplify, simplify! Distill CRFs down to the bare minimum data needed to answer the study aims."

Email reminder for eligible patients (5)

"It would be really helpful to have email alerts."

"Email reminders about patients who have been flagged as potentially eligible can be helpful."

Broaden eligibility (3)

"Keep requirements to a minimum."

"(…) more CCL trials for disease sites that do not currently have a treatment trial."

Interests and priorities (2)

Patient potential benefit (1)

"Data that shows outcomes of patients enrolled on CCL studies would generate enthusiasm from staff."

Patient incentives (1)

"Patients always like incentives for participation."

Resources (30)

Support from CCL committee (13)

"I think the committee members/protocol staff members are extremely responsive, supportive, and never leave us hanging."

Funding (12)

"Increased per case reimbursement."

"Have it count as a therapeutic trial for payment/accrual."

Information provision (4)

"CCL study sessions at COG Fall Meeting (…) was extremely helpful to learn from what worked and what didn't work at other sites. It demystified a lot of my apprehensions in opening the study at my institution."

"Have a meeting with all the lead CRAs and review protocols that are available and ask for input."

Centralized CCL staff (1)

"Provide a CCL centralized staff that do the regulatory for CCL protocols remotely and abstract and submit the data either remotely or otherwise."

  1. Abbreviation: CCL, Cancer Control and Supportive Care; COG, Children’s Oncology Group; CRA, Clinical research associate; RN, Registered nurse; CRF, Case report forms.