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Table 2 Glossary of terms used in the conceptual maintenance strategy for systematic reviews (SRs) and clinical practice guidelines (CPGs)

From: Designing tailored maintenance strategies for systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines using the Portfolio Maintenance by Test-Treatment (POMBYTT) framework



Description as used in the maintenance of SRs and CPGs


Target condition

The predefined condition of the SR (conclusion) or CPG (recommendation) that is to be detected by one or multiple tests

Detection variable

A variable or characteristic of the predefined target condition on which a detection test specifically measures information

Detection test

A test to measure or obtain information on a detection variable to determine whether the target condition is likely to be present or absent

Detection test protocol

The protocol or manner how the detection test is carried out to measure the detection variable or obtain information

Detection test threshold

A predefined threshold for the detection variable in a detection test to define the presence or absence of the target condition


Staging variable

A variable or characteristic of the stage or severity of the target condition on which a staging test specifically measures information. A staging variable can also concern a status or circumstance not related to the target condition itself

Staging test

A test to measure or obtain information on a staging variable to determine the stage or severity of the target condition. A staging test may also capture a status or circumstance not related to the target condition itself

Staging test protocol

The protocol or manner how the detection test is carried out to measure the staging variable or obtain information

Staging test threshold

One or more predefined thresholds for the staging variable in a staging test to define the stage, severity, status, or circumstance


Management indication

A specific stage, severity, status, or circumstance that guides the decision to the appropriate management option

Management options

A predefined approach to handle an SR (conclusion) or CPG (recommendation) when the target condition is present or absent, and depending on the specific stage, severity, status, or circumstance. The choice for a management option is guided by its indication(s)

Management actions

Actions that follow from the decision for a specific management option. The actions performed to carry out the chosen management of the SR (conclusion) or CPG (recommendation)



The recurrence of the predefined target condition after an update. Monitoring is used to detect recurrences


The progression of the stage, status, or severity of the predefined target condition. Monitoring is used to detect progression until a threshold for a specific management option is reached (e.g. update)

  1. CPG Clinical Practice Guideline
  2. SR Systematic review