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Table 3 Anticipated products generated by the scoping review

From: What is the most appropriate knowledge synthesis method to conduct a review? Protocol for a scoping review




Taxonomy for review methods

Health services researchers, trainees

Publish in relevant journals; present at relevant academic meetings (e.g. Cochrane Colloquium); provide the taxonomy online through the Knowledge Synthesis Network, KT Canada, Cochrane Collaboration, CIHR.

Algorithm for matching the synthesis question to the appropriate review method(s)

Health services researchers, trainees, publishers, journal editors, funders

Prepare summary document describing the algorithm that will be disseminated through publication in relevant journal(s). Provide the algorithm online through the Knowledge Synthesis Network, KT Canada, Cochrane Collaboration, CIHR.

Methods Manual

Health services researchers, funders, publishers, and policy makers, and trainees

Develop online methods manual outlining the different review methods to be available as a series of articles, a set of powerpoint slides, and podcasts. We will also explore making these available as a book and have had preliminary discussions with Wiley Blackwell about this topic. Create an online systematic review course.

Review Course

Researchers and trainees

Create an online systematic review course to provide instruction in the methods for completing less traditional knowledge synthesis.

  1. Abbreviations: KT knowledge translation; CIHR Canadian Institutes of Health Research.