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Table 1 Types of definitions used to describe injurious falls in RCTs

From: Definitions and methods of measuring and reporting on injurious falls in randomised controlled fall prevention trials: a systematic review

Type of definition, n (%)

Description of definition

Based only on symptoms, 16 (39%)


Fractures only,

6 (14%)

• Hip fractures and non-hip fractures [40]

• All fractures [41–45]

AIS definition,

3 (7%)

• AIS scores: 1 = minor injury, 2 = moderate injury, 3 = severe, non-life-threatening injury, 4 = severe, life-threatening injury, 5 = critical injury [46, 47]

• Adapted AIS Scale ranging from "no injury, no pain" (level 1) to "fractures of hip, leg, or skull" (level 7) [48]

Other definitions,

7 (17%)

• Bruises, strains, cuts and abrasions, back pain and fractures [49, 50]

• Any detectable residual adverse physical change persisting beyond 1 hr after the fall [51]

• Fractures or soft tissue injuries [52]

• Cuts and bruises, fractures or other trauma [53]

• If participants indicated that they were injured by the fall, irrespective of the severity of the injuries [54]

• Fracture, dislocations, and organ and soft tissue trauma [55]

Based on symptoms and healthcare use, 18 (44%)


FICSIT definition,

4 (10%)

• Original FICSIT definition: Fractures, head injuries requiring hospitalisation, joint dislocations, sprains and lacerations requiring suturing [56, 57]

• Modified FICSIT definition: fractures, other head injuries with altered consciousness, joint dislocations or sprains, or sutured lacerations [58]; Fractures, head injuries requiring hospitalisation, joint dislocations, severe sprains and lacerations requiring suturing [59]

Definition according to Campbell et al. [36],

6 (15%)

• Serious: fracture or admission to hospital or if any wounds needed stitches (sutures); moderate: bruising, sprains, cuts, abrasions, or a reduction in physical function for at least three days, or if the participant sought medical help [36–39, 60, 61]

Other definitions,

8 (20%)

• dislocations, injuries of chest, abdomen, or pelvis; open wounds requiring suturing; injuries to blood vessels; crushing injuries; and injuries to nerves and spinal cord [62]

• Injury: any sequelae relating from a fall; serious injury: sprains, joint dislocation, hip fracture, other fracture, transfer to acute hospital, urgent physician visit, radiological examination [63]

• Injury falls: any fracture, strain, sprain, laceration, or persistent pain (more than seven days); Medical care falls: any fall for which medical care was sought; Fracture falls and hospitalised falls [64]

• Fractures, dislocations and soft tissue injuries needing suturing and even more severe injuries [65]

• Fractures, head injuries, sprains, bruises, scrapes, or other serious joint injuries, or if the participant sought medical care [66]

• Medical attention falls were coded ranging from no injury (0) to broken bone (4) [67]

• Cut, scrape, gash, bruise or fracture; a head injury resulted or where the fall resulted in hospitalisation [68]

• Fractures and hospital admission [69]

Based only on healthcare use, 7 (17%)


Healthcare use definition,

7 (17%)

• Medical treatment [70, 71]

• Hospital visits or admission for the treatment of a fracture or suspected fracture [72]

• Medical care [73]

• Falls requiring medical attention [74]

• Doctor's or hospital attendance [75]

• General practitioner or emergency department or admission to the hospital [76]

  1. n = number of articles used a specific definition; AIS = Abbreviated Injury Scale [77]; FICSIT = Frailty and Injuries: Cooperative Studies of Intervention Techniques [78]