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Table 1 Operationalization of the categorization process using the “LANGUAGE” domain as an example

From: Making sense of complex data: a mapping process for analyzing findings of a realist review on guideline implementability




Organize, group, and appropriately label similar or “like” attributes

1. Group attributes that are antonyms

• Complex/Simple

2. Group attributes that are synonyms

• Unclear/Confusing

3. Group attributes with the same root

• Specific/Specificity

• Validity/Valid

4. Sort database by attribute

Categorize attributes into logical clusters

5. Are there commonalities among attributes?

The following attributes can be grouped into a category called “Clarity”

• Unambiguous

• Precise

6. Is there a central theme or focus among groups of attributes?

• Specific

Go through each cluster to determine sense and fit of attributes

7. Do the attributes belong within the same cluster?

The following categories can be collapsed:

8. Can they be collapsed?

• “Complexity” with “Information overload”

9. Use attribute definitions to make these decisions

• “Actionability” (e.g., using active voice) with “Wording”

Develop a definition for clusters

10. Based on their included attributes and definitions, define and label the cluster

The LANGUAGE domain can be defined as: The clarity, precision, and specificity of the context and message of the guideline