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Table 2 Comparison of coefficients for albumin and albumin-squared in the ovarian cancer data

From: Tuning multiple imputation by predictive mean matching and local residual draws


Albumin (95% CI)

Albumin2 (95% CI)

Complete cases

–10.06 (–12.01, –8.12)

–0.18 (–0.40, 0.05)


–10.41 (–12.45, –8.38)

–0.20 (–0.42, 0.02)

PMM, type 2, k = 1

–10.54 (–12.57, –8.51)

–0.25 (–0.49, –0.01)

PMM, type 1, k = 10

–10.74 (–12.80, –8.68)

–0.28 (–0.52, –0.04)

LRD, type 2, k = 1

–10.54 (–12.57, –8.51)

–0.25 (–0.49, –0.01)

LRD, type 1, k = 20

–10.77 (–12.75, –8.78)

–0.29 (–0.53, –0.05)

  1. Albumin is coded in units of 100 g/dL and mean-centred.