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Table 4 Regression analysis of individual quality criteria versus year-of-publication of the manuscripts identified by the CIG Trials Registry This table lists the results of the regression analyses comparing year-of-publication against the individual quality criteria.

From: Effects of the search technique on the measurement of the change in quality of randomized controlled trials over time in the field of brain injury

quality criterion

regression result

(W = Wald stat)

Cox & Snell R2

regression line

the assessment of the distribution of patient characteristics and prognostic factors between groups

W = 5.53, P = 0.02


y = 0.072x - 4.71

prevention of the movement of patients between groups after allocation, and the use of intention-to-treat analysis

W = 4.74, P = 0.03


y = 0.054x - 13.25

the blinding of the patients to the treatment they received

W = 0.04, P = 0.84


y = 0.006x + 0.77

the blinding of the health care providers to the treatments received by the patients

W = 0.16, P = 0.69


y = -0.010x + 0.32

the blinding of the outcome observer to the treatment received by the patient

W = 0.27, P = 0.60


y = 0.012x - 0.57

adequacy of follow-up

W = 3.25, P = 0.07


y = 0.043x - 3.25

allocation concealment

W = 0.23, P = 0.88


Y = 0.004x - 7.64