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Table 1 Estimates of the probability (risk) of low Apgar under the null and alternative hypotheses

From: The CUSUM chart method as a tool for continuous monitoring of clinical outcomes using routinely collected data


Risk of low Apgar under H 0: (OR = 1)

Risk of low Apgar under H A : (p given OR A = 0.5)

Risk of low Apgar under H A : (p given OR A = 1.5)


0.0060 (0.60%)

0.0030 (0.30%)

0.0089 (0.89%)


0.0029 (0.29%)

0.0015 (0.15%)

0.0044 (0.44%)


0.0044 (0.44%)

0.0022 (0.22%)

0.0066 (0.66%)