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Table 2 Positive responses and inter-rater reliability per AMSTAR question, for Cochrane and non-Cochrane systematic reviews

From: Evaluation of AMSTAR to assess the methodological quality of systematic reviews in overviews of reviews of healthcare interventions

AMSTAR question

Positive responses

n (%)

Inter-rater reliability

AC1 (95% confidence interval)


(n = 30)


(n = 65)

Difference between groups

(p-value for chi square test)


(n = 30)


(n = 65)

Difference between groups (Landis & Koch criteria) [41]

1. Was an “a priori” design provided?

29 (96.7%)a

10 (15.4%)


0.93 (0.82, 1.00)

0.78 (0.63, 0.92)

“Almost perfect” vs. “substantial”c

2. Was there duplicate study selection and data extraction?

24 (80.0%)

21 (32.3%)


0.65 (0.36, 0.93)

0.75 (0.59, 0.91)

“Substantial” vs. “substantial”

3. Was a comprehensive literature search performed?

30 (100.0%)

42 (64.6%)


0.96 (0.89, 1.00)

0.64 (0.44, 0.83)

“Almost perfect” vs. “substantial”c

4. Did the authors search for reports regardless of their publication type?

27 (90.0%)

23 (35.4%)


0.85 (0.68, 1.00)

0.72 (0.55, 0.89)

“Almost perfect” vs. “substantial”c

5. Was a list of studies (included and excluded) provided?

30 (100.0%)

24 (36.9%)


1.00 (1.00, 1.00)

0.65 (0.47, 0.84)

“Perfect” vs. “substantial”c

6. Were the characteristics of the included studies provided?

30 (100.0%)

57 (87.7%)


1.00 (1.00, 1.00)

0.91 (0.82, 0.99)

“Perfect” vs. “almost perfect”c

7. Was the scientific quality of the included studies assessed and documented?

29 (96.7%)

39 (60.0%)


0.97 (0.89, 1.00)

0.62 (0.43, 0.82)

“Almost perfect” vs. “substantial”c

8. Was the scientific quality of the included studies used appropriately in formulating conclusions?

26 (86.7%)

47 (72.3%)


0.79 (0.59, 0.99)

0.60 (0.40, 0.80)

“Substantial” vs. “moderate”c

9. Were the methods used to combine the findings of studies appropriate?

28 (93.3%)

55 (84.6%)


0.84 (0.66, 1.00)

0.69 (0.52, 0.87)

“Almost perfect” vs. “substantial”c

10. Was the likelihood of publication bias assessed?

16 (53.3%)

30 (46.2%)


0.67 (0.39, 0.95)

0.71 (0.53, 0.88)

“Substantial” vs. “substantial”

11. Was the conflict of interest stated?

19 (63.3%)

9 (13.9%)


0.75 (0.51, 1.00)

0.65 (0.46, 0.84)

“Substantial” vs. “substantial”

  1. aOne Cochrane systematic review did not have a protocol for reasons explained in the “Notes” section of the manuscript (Kramer MS, Kakuma R. Optimal duration of exclusive breastfeeding. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2002(1):CD003517); bSignificant in favour of Cochrane systematic reviews; c Inter-rater reliability for Cochrane systematic reviews was at least one level higher