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Table 3 Association between publication characteristics and methodological quality of SRs on total hip/knee arthroplasty

From: Quality assessment of systematic reviews on total hip or knee arthroplasty using mod-AMSTAR

Bibliographical characteristics

Number (%)

AMSTAR score


1、published year


30 (47.6%)

6.40 ± 1.35

P = 0.375


33 (52.4%)

6.32 ± 1.19


2、surgical type


25 (39.7%)

6.08 (5.46–7.09)b

P = 0.435


37 (58.7%)

6.42 (5.58–7.50)b


 THA and TKA

1 (1.59%)




15 (23.8%)

6.67 (5.17–6.08)b

P = 0.052


48 (76.2%)

5.67 (5.67–7.50)b


4、location of the corresponding author


50 (79.4%)

6.17 (5.5–7.19)b

P = 0.098


9 (14.3%)

6.09 (4.34–7.84)b



4 (6.3%)

7.75 (6.37–9.5)b


5、Number of SRs that included a PRISMA-like flow


 Included a PRISMA-like flow

53 (84.1%)

6.48 ± 1.20

P = 0.752

 Did not include a PRISMA-like flow

10 (15.9%)

5.73 ± 1.45


6、Was the SRs published in journal


 Number of SRs published in journal

59 (93.7%)

6.17 (5.50–7.50)b

P = 0.903

 Number of SRs not published in journal

4 (6.3%)

6.34 (5.62–7.29)b


7、Tools for assessing risk of bias of primary studies



35 (55.6%)

6.67 (5.50–7.50)b

P = 0.312

 Jadad scale

11 (17.5%)

5.75 (5.67–6.75)b


 The PEDro scale

2 (3.2%)



 Other single assessment tool

7 (11.1%)

6.00 (4.5–7.00)b


 Two or more assessment tools

6 (9.5%)

7.00 (5.63–8.13)b


 Not reported

2 (3.2%)





8、Total number of authors in SRs

4.9 (1–8)

#Nonlinear relation

9、Number of databases searched

4.5 (1–12)

#Nonlinear relation

10、Median impact factor of the journal for which the included study was published

1.864 (0.293–5.228)

#P = 0.006*

  1. Values in AMSTAR score are mean ± standard deviation except for bmedian (the 25th and 75th percentile). Values in results are tested in t-test except for: non-parametric test; #linear regression test. *statistically significant