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Table 3 Comparison between the original PMQ version(Adams, 2004) and the adapted translated and back translation versions

From: Cross-cultural adaptation of the Pain Medication Questionnaire for use in Brazil


PMQ – original scale

PMQ- adapted translated version (pre-final)

Back translation


I believe I am receiving enough medication to relieve my pain.

Eu acredito estar recebendo medicação suficiente para aliviar minha dor.

I believe I am receiving enough medication to relieve my pain.


My doctor spends enough time talking to me about my pain medication during appointments.

Meu médico passa tempo suficiente falando comigo sobre minha medicação para dor durante as consultas.

My doctor spends enough time talking to me about my pain medication during appointments.


I believe I would feel better with a higher dosage of my pain medication.

Eu acredito que me sentiria melhor com uma dosagem maior da minha medicação para dor.

I believe I would feel better with a higher dosage of my pain medication.


In the past, I have had some difficulty getting the medication I need from my doctor(s).

No passado, eu tive algumas dificuldades em conseguir a medicação que eu precisava do(s) meus(s) médicos(s).

In the past, I have had some difficulty getting the medication I need from my doctor(s).


I wouldn’t mind quitting my current pain medication and trying a new one, if my doctor recommends it.

Eu não me importaria em parar minha atual medicação para dor e tentar uma nova, se meu médico me recomendasse isso.

I wouldn’t mind quitting my current pain medication and trying a new one, if my doctor recommends it.


I have clear preferences about the type of pain medication I need.

Eu tenho claras preferências sobre o tipo de medicação que preciso para dor.

I have clear preferences about the type of pain medication I need.


Family members seem to think that I may be too dependent on my pain medication.

Pessoas da família parecem achar que eu posso estar muito dependente da minha medicação para dor.

People members seem to think that I may be too dependent on my pain medication.


It is important to me to try ways of managing my pain in addition to the medication (such as relaxation, biofeedback, physical therapy, TENS unit, etc.).

É importante para mim, testar formas adicionais à minha medicação para administrar minha dor como: relaxamento, biofeedback, fisioterapia, uso de TENS

(Estimulação Elétrica Nervosa Transcutânea), etc.

It is important to me to try ways of managing my pain in addition to the medication (such as relaxation, biofeedback, physical therapy, TENS unit, etc.).


At times, I take pain medication when I feel anxious and sad, or when I need help sleeping.

Às vezes, eu tomo medicação para dor quando eu me sinto ansioso(a) e triste, ou quando preciso de ajuda para dormir.

At times, I take pain medication when I feel anxious and sad, or when I need help sleeping.


At times, I drink alcohol to help control my pain.

Às vezes, eu tomo bebida alcoólica para ajudar a controlar minha dor.

At times, I drink alcohol to help control my pain.


My pain medication makes it hard for me to think clearly sometimes.

Algumas vezes, minha medicação para dortorna difícil para mim pensar com clareza.

My pain medication makes it hard for me to think clearly sometimes.


I find it necessary to go to the emergency room to get treatment for my pain.

Eu acho necessário ir a um serviço de urgência para conseguir tratamento para minha dor.

I find it necessary to go to the emergency service to get treatment for my pain.


My pain medication makes me nauseated and constipated sometimes.

Minha medicação para dor às vezes me deixa enjoado e constipado.

My pain medication makes me nauseated and constipated sometimes.


At times, I need to borrow pain medication from friends or family to get relief.

Às vezes, eu preciso pedir emprestado aos meus amigos ou familiares medicação para ter alívio.

At times, I need to borrow pain medication from friends or family to get relief.


I get pain medication from more than one doctor in order to have enough medication for my pain.

Eu pego medicação para dor em mais de um médico a fim de ter medicação suficiente para minha dor.

I get pain medication from more than one doctor in order to have enough medication for my pain.


At times, I think I may be too dependent on my pain medication.

Às vezes, eu acho que posso está

muito dependente da minha medicação para dor.

At times, I think I may be too dependent on my pain medication.


To help me out, family members have obtained pain medications for me from their own doctors.

Para me ajudar, pessoas da família obtêm medicamento para dor para mim, de seus próprios médicos.

To help me out, family people have obtained pain medications for me from their own doctors.


At times, I need to take pain medication more often than it is prescribed in order to relieve my pain.

Às vezes, eu tenho que tomar medicação para dor com mais frequência do que está prescrito, a fim de aliviar minha dor.

At times, I need to take pain medication more often than it is prescribed in order to relieve my pain.


I save any unused pain medication I have in case I need it later.

Eu guardo qualquer medicação para dor que não usei, caso precise dela mais tarde.

I save any unused pain medication I have in case I need it later.


I find it helpful to call my doctor or clinic to talk about how my pain medication is working.

Eu acho útil ligar para meu médico ou para a clínica para falar sobre como meu medicamento para dor está agindo.

I find it helpful to call my doctor or clinic to talk about how my pain medication is working.


At times, I run out of pain medication early and have to call my doctor for refills.

Às vezes, meus medicamentos acabam antecipadamente e eu tenho que ligar para meu médico para reabastecer.

At times, I run out of pain medication early and have to call my doctor for refills.


I find it useful to take additional medications (such as sedatives) to help my pain medication work better.

Eu acho útil tomar medicamentos adicionais (como sedativos) para ajudar minha medicação para dor funcionar melhor.

I find it useful to take additional medications (such as sedatives) to help my pain medication work better.


How many painful conditions (injured body parts or illnesses) do you have?

Quantas partes do corpo doloridas (partes do corpo lesionadas ou enfermidade) você tem?

How many painful conditions (injured body parts or illnesses) do you have?


How many times in the past year have you asked your doctor to increase your prescribed dosage of pain medication in order to get relief?

Quantas vezes, no último ano, você pediu para o seu médico para aumentar a dosagem prescrita de medicação para dor a fim de ter alívio?

How many times in the last year have you asked your doctor to increase your prescribed dosage of pain medication in order to get relief?


How many times in the past year have you run out of pain medication early and had to request an early refill?

Quantas vezes, no último ano, você ficou sem medicação para dor antecipadamente e teve que pedir um reabastecimento antecipado?

How many times in the last year have you run out of pain medication early and had to request an early refill?


How many times in the past year have you accidentally misplaced your prescription for pain medication and had to ask for another?

Quantas vezes, no último ano, você acidentalmente perdeu sua prescrição de medicação para dor e teve que pedir outra?

How many times in the last year have you accidentally misplaced your prescription for pain medication and had to ask for another?

  1. Source: the authors