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Table 5 Scenario – refining the review question

From: The TRANSFER Approach for assessing the transferability of systematic review findings

Scenario: You invite the review commissioners and a group of experts on homelessness to a meeting to refine the review question. You agree that the question they are asking concerns intervention effectiveness and that a systematic review of randomised trials is the most appropriate review type. Together you specify the population, intervention, comparison and outcomes of interest. The group agrees on the following review question: ‘What is the effect of housing programmes on homelessness and housing stability?’ The commissioners are interested in studies that include adult populations from any setting – the review question is therefore global in scope. However, the group defines a secondary question related to the transferability of the review findings to the Norwegian context. Thus you end up with a primary and secondary question:

• Primary review question: What is the effect of housing programmes on homelessness and housing stability?

• Secondary review question: How do the results from this review transfer to the Norwegian context?