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Table 1 Model equations

From: Modeling adaptive response profiles in a vaccine clinical trial

2-segment piecewise (PW) linear









i: subject index, j: time index


(tj−tKNOT)+ is a derived variable which becomes (tj−tKNOT) only when tj>tKNOT. Otherwise it is 0.


γ00 and ζ0i are fixed and random intercepts


γ10 and ζ1i are fixed and random first segment slopes


γ20 and ζ2i are fixed and random incremental slopes

3-segment PW linear





γ30 and ζ3i are also fixed and random incremental slopes


\(Y_{ij} = \beta _{0i} + \beta _{1i}. t_{j} + \beta _{2i}. t_{j}^{2} + \beta _{3i}. t_{j}^{3} + \epsilon _{ij}\)


γ00 and ζ0i are fixed and random intercepts


γ10 and ζ1i are fixed and random first order coefficients


γ20 and ζ2i are fixed and random second order coefficients


γ30 and ζ3i are fixed and random third order coefficients

2-segment PW quadratic

\(Y_{ij} = \beta _{0i} + \beta _{1i}. (t_{j} - t_{KNOT})_{+} + \beta _{2i}. t_{j}^{2} + \beta _{3i}. (t_{j} - t_{KNOT})_{+}^{2} + \epsilon _{ij}\)


γ00 and ζ0i are fixed and random intercepts


γ10 and ζ1i are fixed and random first order coefficients


γ20 and ζ2i are fixed and random second order coefficients


γ30 and ζ3i are fixed and random incremental second order coefficients

time as a categorical variable



γ00,10,20,30,40,50 are fixed coefficients


ζ1i,2i,3i are random coefficients shared between time points


D0,1,2,3,4,5 are dummy indicator variables for time points