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Table 1 Definitions used in Twitter Analytics

From: The influence of social media on recruitment to surgical trials

Analytical Tool



Number of times users see a particular tweetTotal number of times a tweet was seen by individual users on Twitter


Total number of times a tweet was interacted with (including users opening a link, re-tweeting, replies to tweets, ‘likes’)


The forwarding of an original tweet to another user’s profile, sharing information with other users


Users indicate they agree with the sentiment of tweet content


Number of users who receive updates on a particular account’s posts (i.e. the greater number of followers, the greater the likelihood of higher tweet engagement)

Tags / Tagging

Including another user in Tweet content and/or directing a message at another user, often increasing the engagement of the Tweet e.g. @ELFStudy


‘Tagging’ groups a collection of tweets with similar content so that users may find a common thread of tweets on a similar topic e.g. #colorectalsurgery, #surgicaltraining


An individual or an organisation with a Twitter account


The username beginning with “@” which is unique to that Twitter account e.g. @ELFStudy