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Table 1 Reporting patient management agreement studies (inspired from GRRAS)

From: Measuring clinical uncertainty and equipoise by applying the agreement study methodology to patient management decisions


1. Identify in title and/or abstract the clinical dilemma for which uncertainty and intra-inter physician agreement was investigated


2. Name and describe the subject of interest explicitly: what disease(s), what available management options, what clinical dilemmas are being considered

3. Specify the patients that are confronted with uncertainty

4. Specify the clinicians involved in making clinical decisions or recommendations

5. Describe what is already known about reliability/agreement and provide a rationale for the study.


6. Explain how the number of patients and clinicians was chosen.

7. Describe how patients and clinicians were selected.

8. Describe the experimental setting (e.g time interval between sessions, availability of clinical information, blinding…)

9. State whether judgments were made independently.

10. Describe the statistical analyses


11. State the actual number of raters and subjects that were included, and the number of replicated judgments which were collected.

12. Describe the characteristics of clinicians (training, experience) and patients (any clinical data judged relevant to the study question).

13. Report estimates of reliability and agreement including measures of statistical uncertainty.


Discuss the practical relevance of results.


Provide detailed results if possible (e.g online).